Well a hearty supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to you today! No prizes for guessing where my 7 year old daughter and I have been today. That’s right – Mary (or should that be Merry!) Poppins.
After a slower start the music, hijinks, great clap along dance tunes cranked up and it all finished in a burst of spontaneous applause and adoration. “Jolly good show” as the saying goes. My favourites were definitely “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and “Step in Time”. I admit now that both numbers moved me to tears – for some reason I get quite emotional when there is a fabulous song and dance number – even though they were both upbeat happy numbers – I just LOVE IT! I particularly enjoyed when Bert literally danced the 360° around the stage (yes – hanging upside down – the entire enchilada!). Brilliant – this was only equalled by Mary Poppins poppin’ into the audience through the air via a cable – nice and exhilarating from where we were sitting – Mary in 3D. My hands were sore from clapping.
This was also a chance for my daughter and her grandmother (my Mum) to hang out. I think they enjoyed it at least as much, if not more than I did. Ahhhh……warm fuzzy coming on…..
I love the entire concept of a musical – always have. Love the idea of bursting into song in the most inexplicable moments – I have always had a tendancy towards it myself – sure it leaves people a little discombobulated….but it can lighten the mood and provide more fodder for conversation.
So, thanks P.L. Travers for writing Mary Poppins and the entire cast and crew of the musical today – you were a real tonic.
In the words of Mary Poppins and until next time, “Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down” and ‘anything can happen if you let it”……
PS: A thumbs up to Jody Simpson who made it to the show on time with her two girls in tow despite a major shoe blow out. The bonus was she was able to show case her beautifully manicured toe nails – geeze – wish mine looked like that!
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